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University, College, and Department-Level Questions

University-Level Questions

(Level of interest) At the time of enrollment, my level of interest in this course was:
(Expectations) I understood what was expected of me in this course:
(Organization) Overall, the course was well organized:
(Atmosphere) The instructor created an atmosphere that supported my learning:
(Expanded understanding) The course expanded my understanding of the subject matter:
(Demonstrate understanding) Course assignments and/or tests provided opportunities for me to demonstrate an understanding of the course material:
(Interest increased) My interest in the subject has increased because of this course:
(Workload) Compared to other courses of equal credit, the workload for this course was:

College and Department-Level Questions

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(TQ33I) What is your overall rating of the instructor as a teacher?
(TQ35C) Please add any general or specific comments you have about the course.
(TQ177I) The instructor provided support (e.g., office hours, respectful, providing accessibility) that contributed to my learning in the course. 
(TQ178C) Online tools and materials, if any, were easy to navigate.
(TQ179C) I feel better prepared for the next stage of my career (e.g. next class, internship, job, soft skills) because of the time I spent in this class.

(TQ25C) Feedback on course requirements (e.g., assignments, projects, tests, papers) was well-timed throughout the course.
(TQ44I) The instructor related course concepts to practical applications.

(TQ180C) I feel that my previous learning experiences prepared me for this course.

(TQ174C) The course highlighted the connections between theory, research, AND practice.
(TQ182C) This course improved my writing skills.
(TQ183C) This course improved my reading skills.
(TQ184C) The course provided opportunity for "hands-on" experience in terms of research, case studies, or real-world situations.
(TQ185C) Opportunities to learn about the professional practices in the field were:
(TQ186C) The course helped me to develop my ability to critically evaluate issues.
(TQ67C) The course helped me to develop my ability to critically evaluate written sources.

(TQ181I) The instructor has provided opportunities for me to provide feedback (e.g. survey, written, oral) on the course during the semester.

(TQ09C) You were encouraged to actively engage with course material through the design of the course, assignments, class discussions, group activities, or other ways.
(TQ10C) The design of the course and assignments helped you connect different or new concepts and themes throughout the course.
(TQ11I) What are one to three specific things that your instructor, did well in helping you to learn? For example, you might consider any of the following: the overall course design; particular assignments, activities, or discussions; choosing helpful course materials such as audio and/or visual material, readings, etc.
(TQ12C) What were the best aspects of this course?
(TQ13C) What could be improved for this course?
(TQ14C) What skills, knowledge, or capacities have you developed as a result of this class?
(TQ15C) What will you carry with you into other classes or other aspects of your life?
(TQ16C) How did the class activities and assignments or tests help your learning?
(TQ17I) How would you rate the instructor as a candidate for a teaching award? 
(TQ18I) If you would nominate your instructor for a teaching excellence award, please explain why.

(TQ88C) What parts of the course (materials, assignments, instructor actions, etc.) aided your understanding and engagement with diverse cultures, communities, identities, experiences, or histories?
(TQ89C) This course provided opportunities to connect the arts and humanities to my own life and/or to important issues that affect people.

(TQ19C) Please add any general or specific comments you have about the course.

(TQ86C) The course introduced me to new ideas.
(TQ87C) The course inspired me to learn more about the subject matter.

(TQ26I) The overall quality of the instructor was
(TQ27C) The overall quality of the course was
(TQ28C) What specific things were done particularly well in this course?
(TQ29C) What specific things would you suggest to improve this course?

(TQ81C) Is there anything else you want to share about your experience in this class? In what ways did it help you? How could it be improved for future students? (Note: Your response should reflect on course content, instruction, and assessment; it should not address the physical or demographic characteristics of the instructor).

(TQ74I) The instructor responded respectfully to students’ questions.
(TQ82I) The instructor was approachable when students sought guidance.
(TQ83I) The instructor encouraged student participation during lectures.
(TQ84C) I found the course intellectually stimulating.
(TQ85I) The instructor presented course materials in an organized manner.
(TQ86C) The course introduced me to new ideas.

No College-Level Questions

(TQ169I) Overall, the quality of instruction provided by the instructor was:
(TQ170I) The general instruction provided by the instructor helped me complete the course projects or assignments successfully.
(TQ171I) The support provided by the instructor contributed to my learning in the course.
(TQ172I) The instructor expected excellence while remaining sensitive to students’ circumstances.
(TQ173I) The instructor had reasonable learning expectations for students in the course.
(TQ174C) The course highlighted the connections between theory, research, AND practice.
(TQ175C) There were different ways provided for me to demonstrate my understanding of the course material.
(TQ24C) The feedback I received on tests, assignments, labs and/or projects provided guidance to improve my understanding of course materials.
(TQ53I) The instructor demonstrated respect for diversity (e.g., race, gender, ability, religion, sexual orientation) in the course.
(TQ63C) The course helped me to develop my ability to critically evaluate ideas.
(TQ76I) Throughout the course, the instructor was available to students in ways that were effective.
(TQ85I) The instructor presented course materials in an organized manner.

(TQ33I) What is your overall rating of the instructor as a teacher?
(TQ35C) Please add any general or specific comments you have about the course. 

No College-Level Questions

(TQ172I) The instructor expected excellence while remaining sensitive to students’ circumstances.
(TQ187I) The instructor encouraged respect for different opinions in the classroom.
(TQ188C) Online tools used to support course activities (e.g., accessing content, sharing with peers, submitting assignments) were easy for me to use.
(TQ189C) Overall, I mastered the key concepts taught in this course.
(TQ190C) The course readings contributed to my learning of the subject matter.
(TQ59I) The instructor encouraged students to think about the subject matter from multiple perspectives.

(TQ21I) The instructor was available for contact if needed.
(TQ30I) The instructor was respectful toward students.
(TQ31I) The instructor explained course concepts clearly.
(TQ32C) The feedback I received on course requirements (e.g., tests, assignments, labs, projects) provided guidance on how to improve my understanding of course materials.
(TQ33I) What is your overall rating of the instructor as a teacher?
(TQ34I) Is there anything else you would like the instructor and/or the administration to know?

No College-Level Questions

(TQ123C) Is this course required for your degree?
(TQ124C) The feedback I received on my work in this course was helpful.
(TQ125C) I had opportunities to ask questions or offer comments during class.
(TQ126C) My ability to communicate my understanding of the course material in written or verbal form improved during the class.
(TQ127C) I am able to apply what I learned in this class to other situations.
(TQ128I) Were there specific strategies employed by the instructor that were particularly helpful to your learning in this course? Please be specific.
(TQ129C) Were there experiences in the class that you would like to share? Feel free to include specific ways in which the class impacted your learning. Please include other aspects of your learning that might not be captured in your responses to the previous questions.

(TQ128I) Were there specific strategies employed by the instructor that were particularly helpful to your learning in this course? Please be specific.
(TQ129C) Were there experiences in the class that you would like to share? Feel free to include specific ways in which the class impacted your learning. Please include other aspects of your learning that might not be captured in your responses to the previous questions.
(TQ130C) Regularly attending lessons helped my learning/progress.
(TQ131C) Regularly practicing and/or composing outside of my lessons helped my learning/progress. 
(TQ132C) Performance opportunities (ensemble, studio class, recital work, sharing compositions with faculty and students) helped my learning/progress. 
(TQ133I) The instructor helped my learning/progress by providing assistance on how to learn, study, practice, or compose. 
(TQ134C) As a result of work in my lessons, I made gains in applying what I learned to other situations (ensembles/performances/compositions). 
(TQ135C) As a result of work in my lessons, I became more proficient working through technical and artistic issues on my own. 
(TQ136I) Feedback from the instructor (including explanations and demonstrations) helped my learning/progress. 
(TQ137I) The instructor assisted my learning/progress by being available for questions, help, or advice. 
(TQ138I) The instructor assisted my learning/progress by addressing student needs or challenges. 

(TQ123C) Is this course required for your degree?
(TQ139C) The syllabus was helpful in explaining the expectations for the class (If you did not read the syllabus, leave this question blank). 
(TQ140C) The use of rehearsal time was helpful to my learning. 
(TQ141C) This class was helpful to the development of my ensemble skills. 
(TQ142C) This class was helpful to the development of my listening skills. 
(TQ143I) The preparation and musicianship of the instructor enhanced my learning experience.
(TQ144I) The instructor demonstrated knowledge of instrumental/vocal technique that positively contributed to my learning. 
(TQ145I) The efforts made by the instructor to support student success enhanced my learning experience.
(TQ146C) How would you rate your development as an ensemble performer as a result of your participation in this ensemble?
(TQ50I) The instructor delivered the course material in a clear manner.

(TQ147I) The instructor treated me with respect.
(TQ148C) The contributions (e.g., ideas, opinions, experiences) of all students were valued.
(TQ149C) I felt included in course activities and/or discussions.
(TQ150C) I knew how to get help in the course.
(TQ151C) The learning objectives/goals of the course were clearly communicated.
(TQ152C) Course activities (e.g., class meetings, readings, homework, projects) helped me achieve the learning objectives/goals.
(TQ153C) I received feedback that I could use to monitor my progress in learning course material.
(TQ154C) I was able to achieve the learning goals/objective for the course.
(TQ155C) How did this course support your learning? Please provide specific examples.
(TQ156C) Are there ways that your learning could have been better supported in this course?

(TQ20C) Course assignment and project descriptions, including information about requirements, were clear.
(TQ21I) The instructor was available for contact if needed.
(TQ22C) The course atmosphere was respectful.
(TQ23C) Students were encouraged to engage in class activities. 
(TQ24C) The feedback I received on tests, assignments, labs and/or projects provided guidance to improve my understanding of course materials.
(TQ25C) Feedback on course requirements (e.g., assignments, projects, tests, papers) was well-timed throughout the course.

(TQ48C) What specific things about the course helped support your learning?
(TQ49C) What specific things about the course could be improved to better support student learning?

(TQ50I) The instructor delivered the course material in a clear manner.
(TQ51I) Overall, the instructor interacted with students in ways that supported my learning.
(TQ21I) The instructor was available for contact if needed.
(TQ52I) The instructor incorporated different disciplinary perspectives into the course.
(TQ53I) The instructor demonstrated respect for diversity (e.g., race, gender, ability, religion, sexual orientation) in the course.
(TQ54I) The instructor was enthusiastic about the course material.
(TQ55C) The course stimulated new ways for me to think about the world.
(TQ56I) The instructor ensured students were informed of their progress in the course.

(TQ73I) Overall, the quality of instruction provided by the instructor in this course was:

(TQ54I) The instructor was enthusiastic about the course material.
(TQ65I) The instructor demonstrated respect for diversity (e.g., race, gender,  ability, religion, sexual orientation) in the course.
(TQ66C) The course readings contributed to my learning of the subject matter.
(TQ67C) The course helped me to develop my ability to critically evaluate written sources.
(TQ68C) Please comment on class discussion, if it was a significant part of the course. Did class and/or online discussion, or other forms of engagement (such as weekly reading responses) contribute to your learning? Did the instructor facilitate a respectful atmosphere for class discussion?
(TQ69I) How has your instructor enhanced your experience at MSU, in and/or beyond the classroom?
(TQ70C) Is there anything else that you would like to add?

(TQ21I) The instructor was available for contact if needed.
(TQ50I) The instructor delivered the course material in a clear manner.
(TQ53I) The instructor demonstrated respect for diversity (e.g., race, gender, ability, religion, sexual orientation) in the course.
(TQ74I) The instructor responded respectfully to students’ questions.
(TQ75I) The instructor expressed an interest in student understanding when explaining course concepts.

(TQ55C) The course stimulated new ways for me to think about the world.

(TQ20C) Course assignment and project descriptions, including information about requirements, were clear.
(TQ21I) The instructor was available for contact if needed.
(TQ25C) Feedback on course requirements (e.g., assignments, projects, tests, papers) was well-timed throughout the course.

(TQ71I) Throughout the course, the instructor maintained a regular, engaged presence during online activities.
(TQ72I) The instructor’s use of the online environment facilitated my understanding of the course material.

(TQ64C) How did the course handle issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion?

(TQ20C) Course assignment and project descriptions, including information about requirements, were clear.
(TQ53I) The instructor demonstrated respect for diversity (e.g., race, gender, ability, religion, sexual orientation) in the course.
(TQ59I) The instructor encouraged students to think about the subject matter from multiple perspectives.
(TQ74I) The instructor responded respectfully to students’ questions.
(TQ76I) Throughout the course, the instructor was available to students in ways that were effective. 
(TQ77C) Classroom discussions improved my understanding of the course material.
(TQ78I) The instructor provided helpful feedback on assignments.
(TQ79C) Course lectures improved my understanding of the course material.
(TQ80C) Course requirements (e.g., assignments, projects, tests, papers) helped me to develop skills I can use inside AND outside of the classroom.

(TQ21I) The instructor was available for contact if needed.
(TQ31I) The instructor explained course concepts clearly.
(TQ57I) The instructor explained how the learning activities in each class session contributed to the learning outcomes for the course.
(TQ58I) The instructor encouraged students to ask questions about the course material.
(TQ59I) The instructor encouraged students to think about the subject matter from multiple perspectives.
(TQ60I) The instructor facilitated classroom discussion that contributed to my learning.
(TQ61I) The instructor encouraged students to reflect critically on the course material.
(TQ62I) The instructor’s feedback on course requirements (e.g., assignments, projects, papers, tests) improved my understanding of the course material.
(TQ63C) The course helped me to develop my ability to critically evaluate ideas.

(TQ36C) Course content and resources contributed to my understanding of the material.
(TQ37C) In-class hours for this course focused on application of concepts rather than coverage of new content.
(TQ38C) Course assessments (e.g., exams, tests, papers, projects) were accurate in indicating my progress toward achieving the learning outcomes for the course.
(TQ39C) In an average week in this course, how many hours did you study out of class?
(TQ40C) The course enhanced my understanding of the link between foundational knowledge and professional practice.
(TQ41I) The instructor was well prepared.
(TQ42I) The feedback from the instructor on course requirements (e.g., assignments, projects, papers, tests) improved my understanding of the course material.
(TQ43I) The instructor generated enthusiasm for learning in the course.
(TQ44I) The instructor related course concepts to practical applications.
(TQ45C) What components of the course MOST CONTRIBUTED to learning (were meaningful and helpful)? Aspects of the course which could be included are labs and activities, materials, learning objectives, examinations, etc.
(TQ46C) What components of the course LEAST CONTRIBUTED to learning (were not meaningful and helpful)? Aspects of the course which could be included are labs and activities, materials, learning objectives, examinations, conflicting information or topic overlap between instructors, etc.
(TQ176I) What characteristic(s) of the instructor was (were) most or least effective in helping you learn the material?

(TQ47C) In the space provided, explain why you rated the course as you did.

(TQ19C) Please add any general or specific comments you have about the course.

(TQ106C) The course provided opportunity to develop my interpersonal communication skills (e.g., sharing ideas, dialoguing with others).
(TQ114C) Course requirements (e.g., projects, assignments, tests, exams, labs) provided opportunity for me to demonstrate an understanding of the course material.
(TQ115C) An instructor explained how course topics contributed to an overall understanding of the field.
(TQ116C) The course helped me to develop my decision-making skills.
(TQ117C) An instructor was available during stated office hours.
(TQ118C) The course material inspired me to learn more about the subject matter.
(TQ119C) An instructor related course concepts to real world situations.
(TQ120C) The course helped me to develop my presentation skills.
(TQ121C) The course helped me to develop meaningful relationships with other students.
(TQ122C) Display of military custom and courtesy in the classroom enhanced my student experience. 
(TQ66C) The course readings contributed to my learning of the subject matter.

(TQ157C) I, the student, prepared sufficiently for course meetings.
(TQ158C) I, the student, provided meaningful contributions to the learning community.
(TQ159C) The syllabus provided a clear overall structure for the course.
(TQ160C) Instructions for course assignments were clear.
(TQ161C) The criteria for grading were clearly stated.
(TQ162I) The instructor was prepared for class sessions with the ability to make adjustments as needed.
(TQ163I) The instructor was open-minded about differing or diverse viewpoints.
(TQ164I) The instructor's feedback (oral and written) was helpful to my learning.
(TQ165I) The instructor was available for help outside of class (i.e., office hours, email, conferences).
(TQ166C) How did the course activities (e.g., readings, discussions, exams, speakers, projects, workshops) contribute to your learning? What suggestions would you make to improve these activities?
(TQ167I) Did your instructor help you to see how ideas and content presented in the course are relevant to the world beyond the classroom? If yes, how so?
(TQ168C) Please use this space to address any areas not covered or to offer additional comments.